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Photoshop MCQ

Soopro Pathshala provides Photoshop MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions)

1. Several graphical and digital artworks can be___ using photoshop?

a) Created

b) Edited

c) Manipulated

d) all of the above

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Answer: (d) all of the above

2. Adobe systems develops photoshop, which is available for__

a) Windows

b) Mac OS

c) both a and b

d) none of the above

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Answer: (c) both a and b

3. Photoshop files are usually saved as __files?

a) JPG

b) PDF

c) PNG

d) PSD

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Answer: (d) PSD

4. What does PSD stand for?

a) Photoshop Shopping document

b) Photoshop Document

c) Photoshop Digital

d) Photoshop Shopping Digital

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Answer: (b) Photoshop Document

5. Adobe photoshop CC stands for

a) Creative Cloud

b) Craft Cloud

c) cant say

d) none of these

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Answer: (a) Creative Cloud

6. In photoshop, CTRL +R is used for

a) Ruler

b) Guides

c) Slice

d) Grids

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Answer: (a) Ruler

7. The amount of sapce between lines of type is called___

a) Leading

b) Kerning

c) Tracking

d) Cloning

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Answer: (c) Tracking

8. Mask option is under____menu in Photoshop.

a) Edit

b) Filter

c) Layer

d) View

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Answer: (c) Layer

9. The ___filter is used for adding, or reducing noise and grain in photographs.

a) Blur

b) Noise

c) Render

d) Sharpen

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Answer: (b) Noise

10. In photoshop___Tool is used to erase pixels from similar colored area.

a) Magic Eraser

b) Background Eraser

c) Layer Eraser

d) none of these

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Answer: (a) Magic Eraser

11. What is actual work of Photoshop?

a) Used for Programming

b) Used for Animation

c) Used for Graphics

d) Used for Typing

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Answer: (c) Used for Graphics

12. Image Ready credit goes to Which company?

a) Citrix Systems

b) Cisco Systems

c) Adobe Systems

d) None of these

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Answer: (c) Adobe Systems

13. Photoshop have a which File Extension?

a) BMP


c) TXT

d) PSD

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Answer: (d) PSD

13. Photoshop have a which File Extension?

a) BMP


c) TXT

d) PSD

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Answer: (d) PSD

14. Gradient tool is the feature of which software?

a) Photoshop

b) Painting

c) Page maker

d) All of these

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Answer: (a) Photoshop

15. What is the Full form of DPI?

a) Disk Point Inch

b) Dots per Ink

c) Dots per Inch

d) Display per Inch

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Answer: (c) Dots per Inch

16. RGB stads for?

a) Red Green Blue

b) Red Grey Blue

c) Red Green Brown

d) Red Grey Black

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Answer: (a) Red Green Blue

17. CMYK stands for?

a) Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

b) Cyan Magenta Yellow Blue

c) Cyan Magenta Yellow Brown

d) Cream Magenta Yellow Kole

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Answer: (a) Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

18. Which of the following is the extension that supports Transparency in photoshop?


b) JPG

c) GIF & PNG

d) none of the above

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Answer: (c) GIF & PNG

19. GIF stands for?

a) Graphics Interchange file

b) Graphics Interchange Format

c) Graphics inter file

d) none of the above

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Answer: (b) Graphics Interchange Format

20. Red Yellow and Blue are____?

a) Complementary colors

b) Secondary colors

c) Tertiary colors

d) Primary colors

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Answer: (d) Primary colors

21. Photoshop 1.0 was officially released in February ___?

a) 1990

b) 1991

c) 1989

d) 1970

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Answer: (a) 1990

22. What is the shortcut key to create a new file in Photoshop?

a) Fle, new




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Answer: (b) CTRL+N

23. We can move an image in Photoshop with which tool

a) Move Tool

b) Selection Tool

c) Both a and b

d) Slice Tool

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Answer: (a) Move Tool

24. Which tool is helpful to select identical pixels of an image?

a) Lasso Tool

b) Clone Tool

c) Magic Eraser Tool

d) Magic Tool

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Answer: (d) Magic Tool

25. We can make selection in the round shape with the help of which tool

a) Rectangle Tool

b) Ellipse Tool

c) Circle Tool

d) Pen Tool

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Answer: (b) Ellipse Tool

26. Which tool is used to select any color from the image in Photoshop?

a) Paint Bucket

b) Eyedropper

c) Zoom

d) Pen

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Answer: (b) Eyedropper

27. The palettes that are not in Photoshop are _____

a) Drawing

b) Navigator

c) Channel

d) Layer

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Answer: (a) Drawing

28. Zoom Out in photoshop is done by which of the following shortcut key?

a) Ctrl+:

b) Ctrl+J

c) Ctrl+F

d) Ctrl+-

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Answer: (d) Ctrl+-

29. What is the use of Crop Tool?

a) Painting the image

b) Moving the image

c) Cutting the image

d) Selecting the image

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Answer: (c) Cutting the image

30. The menu that is not a menu in Photoshop is___

a) Image

b) Tools

c) Filter

d) Select

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Answer: (b) Tools