Python is object oriented programming language.
Python is object oriented programming language.
The Python programming language was developed by Guido Van Rossum in the year 1990 at Stichting Mathematics centrum in the Netherlands as a successor of a language called ABC.
Name Python picked from TV show Month Python's Flying circus.
OOPS is a programming approach which revolvs around the concept of "object".
Any entity in the system that can be defined as a set of properties and set of operations performed using entity's property set, is known as object.'
variables are the names of memory locations where we store data.
variable name is any combination of alphabet (a to z or A to Z), digit(0 to 9) and underscore (_).
Keywords are reserved words, whose meaning is already known to the compiler.
false | await | else | import | pass |
none | break | except | in | raise |
true | class | finally | is | return |
and | continue | for | nonelocal | while |
def | from | not | with | global |
assert | del | if | or | yield |
or | async | as | elif |
comments are used to clarify something about the program in plain languagqe.
comments can be used to prevent execution when testing code.
There are three types of comments in C#.