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C#(Sharp) MCQ

Soopro Pathshala provides C#(sharp) MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions)

1. How many Bytes are stored by ‘Long’ Data type in C# .net?

a) 8

b) 4

c) 2

d) 1

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Answer: (a) 8

2. What is the extension of a C# language file?

a) .c

b) .cpp

c) .cs

d) .csp

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Answer: (c) .cs

3. Who is the founder of C# programming language?

a) Anders Hejlsberg

b) Douglas Crockford

c) Rasmus Lerdorf

d) Brendan Eich

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Answer: (a) Anders Hejlsberg

4. In C#, a single-line comment starts with ___.

a) Two forward slashes (//)

b) Two backward slashes (\\)

c) A hash character (#)

d) A dollar character ($)

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Answer: (a) Two forward slashes (//)

5. Which data type is used to store text value in C#?

a) text

b) txt

c) string

d) str

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Answer: (c) string

6. Which of the following converts a type to a floating point number in C#?

a) ToInt64

b) ToSbyte

c) ToSingle

d) ToInt32

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Answer: (c) ToSingle

7. Which of the following is the default access specifier of a class?

a) Private

b) Public

c) Protected

d) Internal

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Answer: (d) Internal

8. The execution of the program begins with _______.

a) Main()

b) get()

c) class()

d) display()

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Answer: (a) Main()

9. WriteLine is a __________.

a) function

b) keyword

c) literal

d) class

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Answer: (a) function

10. "new" is used for ________ the objects.

a) creating

b) modifying

c) allocating memory for.

d) deallocating memory of

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Answer: (c) allocating memory for

11. A number divided by zero is __________ Exception

a) ArgumentNull

b) InvalidCast

c) OverFlow

d) Arithmetic

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Answer: (d) Arithmetic

12. Any real word entity is called __________.

a) object

b) attribute

c) characteristic

d) class

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Answer: (a) object

13. Which C# keyword is used to define a constant?

a) define

b) fixed

c) constant

d) const

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Answer: (d) const

14. Which is not a valid C# data type?

a) long

b) int

c) float

d) complex

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Answer: (d) complex

15. What is 'Console' in C#?

a) Class

b) Object

c) Method

d) Structure

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Answer: (a) class

16. Which C# keyword is used to coming out from the loop?

a) break

b) continue

c) both a and b

d) none of the above

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Answer: (a) break

17. What is the default value of a boolean in C#?

a) True

b) 0

c) false

d) 1

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Answer: (c) false

18. What is the access modifier for a class member that can only be accessed within the same class?

a) public

b) private

c) protected

d) internal

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Answer: (b) private

19. Which array property is used to get the total number of elements in C#?

a) Len

b) Length

c) Elements

d) MaxLen

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Answer: (b) Length

20. Which array method is used to sort an array alphabetically or in an ascending order in C#?

a) sort()

b) sorting()

c) Sort()

d) Sorting()

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Answer: (c) Sort()

21. Which keyword is used to declare an interface in C#?

a) interface

b) Interface

c) implement

d) Implement

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Answer: (a) interface

22. In C#, the objects created using new operator are stored in ___.

a) Cache Memory

b) Stack Memory

c) Heap Memory

d) None of the above

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Answer: (c) Heap Memory

23. How many catch blocks can be used with a single try block in C#?

a) One

b) Two

c) Many

d) None of the above

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Answer: (c) Many

24. Which access specifier should be used for Main() method in C#?

a) private

b) public

c) protected

d) internal

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Answer: (b) public

25. Number of constructors a class can define is?

a) 1

b) 2

c) Any number

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: (c) Any number

26. What is the return type of constructors?

a) int

b) float

c) void

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: (d) none of the mentioned

27. Which method has the same name as that of its class?

a) delete

b) class

c) constructor

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: (c) constructor

28. Operator used to free the memory when memory is allocated?

a) new

b) free

c) delete

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: (c) delete

29. What is the return type of destructor?

a) int

b) void

c) float

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: (d) none of the mentioned

30. Choose the base class for string() method:

a) System.Array

b) System.char

c) System.String

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: (c) System.String

31. The Method use to remove white space from a string?

a) Split()

b) Substring()

c) Trim()

d) TrimStart()

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Answer: (c) Trim()

32. Which of these operators can be used to concatenate two or more String objects?

a) +

b) +=

c) &

d) ||

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Answer: (a) +

33. An Int variable occupies _______ number of bytes.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 4

d) 8

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Answer: (c) 4

34. C# does not support _________ statement.

a) go

b) goto

c) break

d) continue

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Answer: (a) go

35. ___________ is not an access modifier.

a) public

b) private

c) protect

d) internal

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Answer: (c) protect

36. Any real word entity is called __________.

a) object

b) attribute

c) characteristic

d) class

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Answer: (a) object

37. __________ is method modifier that indicates a method can be overridden by a derived class.

a) Value

b) Get

c) Set

d) Virtual

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Answer: (d) Virtual

38. The ________________ is an initially undifferentiated area of memory that can be referred to by items placed on the stack

a) Linked list

b) List

c) Heap

d) Queue

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Answer: (c) Heap

39. The default value for a boolean variable is _________.

a) 0

b) -1

c) null

d) false

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Answer: (d) false

40. ________ members are accessible by any method of any class.

a) protected

b) private

c) public

d) internal

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Answer: (c) public