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Soopro Pathshala provides EXCEL MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions)

1. Excel is a ____ program developed by Microsoft.

a) Spreadsheet

b) Document

c) Data Management

d) all of the above

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Answer: (a) Spreadsheet

2. What is the extension of a Microsoft Excel File?

a) .msxcl

b) .xcl

c) .xlsx

d) .xlsm

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Answer: (c) .xlsx

3. Which logical function returns true if all arguments evaulate true; false if not?

a) or

b) and

c) if

d) andif

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Answer: (b) and

4. Which programming langauge is used to write a macro in MS Excel?

a) c

b) c++

c) java

d) visual basic

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Answer: (d) visual basic

5. Which function is used to remove extra spaces from the text in MS Excel?

a) Remove()

b) TRIM()

c) TRUNC()

d) all of the above

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Answer: (b) TRIM()

6. The____function is used to convert to text in a number format in MS Excel?


b) TEXT()

c) NUM()


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Answer: (b) TEXT()

7. ___Returns the least common multiple?

a) LCCM()

b) LCM()

c) TLCM()

d) RTLCM()

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Answer: (b) LCM()

8. Excel documents are stored as files called

a) workgroups

b) worktables

c) worksheets

d) workforce

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Answer: (c) worksheets

9. How do you display current date only in MS Excel?

a) DATE()

b) TODAY()

c) NOW()

d) TIME()

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Answer: (b) TODAY()

10. MS Excel is based on_____

a) Windows

b) DOS


d) OS/2

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Answer: (a) Windows

11. _____include the Quick Access Toolbar, Ribbon, Name Box, Formula Quick Menu, Formula Bar, Status Bar, Worksheet, worksheet etc.

a) Excel Interface

b) Cell

c) Row

d) Column

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Answer: (a) Excel Interface

12. The intersection point of a row and column is referred to as a ____.

a) Excel Interface

b) Cell

c) Row

d) Column

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Answer: (b) Cell

13. A ____ is a horizontal space in a table used to record data.

a) Excel Interface

b) Cell

c) Row

d) Column

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Answer: (c) Row

14. A column is a vertical space in a table used to record data.

a) Excel Interface

b) Cell

c) Row

d) Column

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Answer: (d) Column

15. An Excel _____ refers to the area of rows and columns, which jointly from a table.

a) Worksheet

b) Cell

c) Row

d) Column

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Answer: (a) Worksheet

16. An Excel ____ refers to the main file that includes worksheet's and related objects.

a) Worksheet

b) Workbook

c) Row

d) Column

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Answer: (b) Workbook

17. _______is the set of coordinates where a cell is located.

a) Worksheet

b) Cell Reference

c) Row

d) Column

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Answer: (b) Cell Reference

18. _______ is currently selected cell, outlined by a green box.

a) Worksheet

b) Cell Reference

c) Row

d) Active Cell

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Answer: (d) Active Cell

19. _______ are mathematical equations, cell references or functions that can be placed inside a cell to produce a value.

a) Worksheet

b) Formulas

c) Row

d) Active Cell

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Answer: (b) Formulas

20. _______ is the long input bar that is used to enter values or formulas in cells. It is located at the top of the worksheet.

a) Worksheet

b) Formulas

c) Formula Bar

d) Active Cell

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Answer: (c) Formula Bar

21. _______ located to the left of the formula bar shows the number and letter coordinates of an active cell.

a) Worksheet

b) Formulas

c) Formula Bar

d) Address Bar

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Answer: (d) Address Bar

22. _______ are rules user can employ to select what rows in a worksheet to display.

a) Filter

b) Formulas

c) Formula Bar

d) Address Bar

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Answer: (a) Filter

23. Which feature enables users to copy data to more than one cell automatically?

a) Autofill

b) Formulas

c) Formula Bar

d) Address Bar

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Answer: (a) Autofill

24. Which feature enables users to add multiple values?

a) Autofill

b) Autosum

c) Formula Bar

d) Address Bar

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Answer: (b) Autosum

25. _____ is the data summarization tool sorts and calculates data automatically.

a) Autofill

b) Autosum

c) Formula Bar

d) Pivot Table

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Answer: (d) Pivot Table

26. _____ is the information that is used to create Pivot Table..

a) Autofill

b) Autosum

c) Formula Bar

d) Source Data

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Answer: (d) Source Data

27. The ____ is usually situated on the top of the Excel. It consists of various shortcuts that we can give commands in Excel.

a) Ribbon

b) Autosum

c) Formula Bar

d) Source Data

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Answer: (a) Ribbon

28. The _____ located on the ribbon is mainly used to access core commands such as creating a new document, saving an existing document taking prints etc.

a) Ribbon Start Button

b) Autosum

c) Formula Bar

d) Source Data

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Answer: (a) Ribbon Start Button

29. The ____ are mainly used to group various commands in a small area.

a) Ribbon Start Button

b) Ribbon Tabs

c) Formula Bar

d) Source Data

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Answer: (b) Ribbon Tabs

30. The ______ mainly consists of shortcuts for font sizes, font styles, font colors.

a) Home Tab

b) Insert Tab

c) Page layout Tab

d) Formulas Tab

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Answer: (a) Home Tab

31. The ______ mainly consists of shortcuts for table formatting and styling, inserting pictures, figures, charts or graphs, header/footer options, equations or symbols.

a) Home Tab

b) Insert Tab

c) Page layout Tab

d) Formulas Tab

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Answer: (b) Insert Tab

32. The ____ mainly includes shortcuts for themes, page setup theme orientation etc.

a) Home Tab

b) Insert Tab

c) Page layout Tab

d) Formulas Tab

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Answer: (c) Page layout Tab

33. The ____ contains options that help us insert formulas within the table and get the results.

a) Home Tab

b) Insert Tab

c) Page layout Tab

d) Formulas Tab

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Answer: (d) Formulas Tab

34. The _____ contains shortcuts that help us insert external data from the web and filter options.

a) Data Tab

b) Insert Tab

c) Page layout Tab

d) Formulas Tab

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Answer: (a) Data Tab

35. The _____ offers commands to do proof reading for the excel worksheets (such as spell check) Moreover, users can add comments using the options given under this tab.

a) Data Tab

b) Insert Tab

c) Page layout Tab

d) Review Tab

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Answer: (d) Review Tab

35. The ____ comprises several options that allow us to view the excel sheets differently.

a) Data Tab

b) Insert Tab

c) View Tab

d) Review Tab

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Answer: (c) View Tab

36. Which function gives the total of the selected range of cell values?

a) SUM()

b) MIN()

c) MAX()


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Answer: (a) SUM()

37. The ______ function calculate the average of the selected range of cell values.

a) SUM()

b) MIN()

c) MAX()


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Answer: (d) AVERAGE()

38. The ____ function finds the lowest number in the selected range of cell values.

a) SUM()

b) MIN()

c) MAX()


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Answer: (b) MIN()

39. The______ function finds the highest number in the selected range of cell values.

a) SUM()

b) MIN()

c) MAX()


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Answer: (c) MAX()

40. The _____ function counts the total number of cells in a range that contains a number.

a) SUM()

b) COUNT()

c) MAX()


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Answer: (b) COUNT()

41. The ________ function returns the subtotal in a database.

a) SUM()


c) MAX()


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Answer: (b) SUBTOTAL()

42. The _____ function works on returning the remainder when a particular number is divided by a divisor.

a) SUM()


c) MOD()


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Answer: (c) MOD()

43. The _____ function returns the result of a number raised to a certain power.

a) SUM()


c) MOD()

d) POWER()

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Answer: (c) POWER()

44. The ______ function rounds a number up to its nearest multiple of significance.

a) SUM()



d) POWER()

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Answer: (c) CEILING()

45. The ______ function contrary to the ceiling function, the floor function rounds a number down to the nearest multiple of significance.

a) SUM()

b) FLOOR()


d) POWER()

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Answer: (b) FLOOR()

46. The _______function joins several text strings into one text string.

a) SUM()

b) FLOOR()


d) POWER()

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Answer: (c) CONCATENATE()

47. The ______ function returns the total no. of characters in a string.

a) LEN()

b) FLOOR()


d) POWER()

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Answer: (a) LEN()

48. The ____ function gives the number of characters from the start of a text string.

a) LEFT()

b) RIGHT()

c) MID()

d) None of These

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Answer: (a) LEFT()

49. The ____ function returns the characters from the middle of a text

a) LEFT()

b) RIGHT()

c) MID()

d) None of These

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Answer: (c) MID()

50. The _____function returns the numbers of characters from the end of a text string.

a) LEFT()

b) RIGHT()

c) MID()

d) None of These

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Answer: (b) RIGHT()

51. The ____ function converts any text string to UPPERCASE.

a) UPPER()

b) LEFT()

c) RIGHT()

d) None of These

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Answer: (a) UPPER()

52. The ______ function converts any text string to lowercase.

a) UPPER()

b) LOWER()

c) RIGHT()

d) None of These

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Answer: (b) LOWER()

53. The ____ function converts any text string to proper case i.e the first letter in each word will be in uppercase, and all the other will be in lowercase.

a) UPPER()

b) LOWER()

c) RIGHT()


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Answer: (d) PROPER()

54. The ______ function works on replacing the part of a text string with a different text string.

a) UPPER()

b) LOWER()

c) RIGHT()


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Answer: (d) REPLACE()

55. The ______ function replaces the existing text with a new text in a text string.

a) UPPER()

b) LOWER()



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Answer: (c) SUBSTITUE()

56. The ____ function in Excel gives the current system date and time.

a) UPPER()

b) LOWER()


d) NOW()

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Answer: (d) NOW()

57. The TODAY() function in excel provides the current system date.

a) UPPER()

b) LOWER()

c) TODAY()

d) NOW()

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Answer: (c) TODAY()

58. Which function is used to return the day of the month.

a) UPPER()

b) DAY()

c) TODAY()

d) NOW()

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Answer: (b) DAY()

59. The _______ function returns the month, a number from 1 to 12, where 1 is January and 12 is December.

a) MONTH()

b) DAY()

c) TODAY()

d) NOW()

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Answer: (a) MONTH()

60. The ____ function converts hours, minutes, seconds, given as numbers to an Excel serial no formatted with a time format.

a) MONTH()

b) DAY()

c) TODAY()

d) TIME()

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Answer: (d) TIME()

61. The ____ function generates the hour from a time value as a no from 0 to 23, Here 0 means 12 AM and 23 is 11 PM.

a) HOUR()

b) DAY()

c) TODAY()

d) TIME()

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Answer: (a) HOUR()

62. The _____ function returns the minute from a time value as a number from 0 to 59.


b) DAY()

c) TODAY()

d) TIME()

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Answer: (a) MINUTE()

63. The ______ function returns the second from a time value as a no from 0 to 59.


b) DAY()

c) TODAY()


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Answer: (d) SECOND()

64. The ____ function provides the difference between two dates in terms of years, months, or days.


b) DAY()

c) TODAY()


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Answer: (a) DATEDIF()

65. The _______ function stands for the vertical lookup that is responsible for looking for a particular value in the left most column of a table.


b) DAY()



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Answer: (c) VLOOKUP()

66. The function _____ looks for a value in the top of a table or array of benefits.


b) DAY()



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Answer: (d) HLOOKUP()

67. Which function checks a given condition and returns a particular value if it is TRUE?

a) IF()

b) DAY()



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Answer: (a) IF()

68. The _____ function returns a value if an expression evaluates to an error, or else, it will return the value of the expression.

a) IF()




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Answer: (b) IFERROR()

69. The function ______ is used to count the total number of cells within a range that meet the given condition.

a) IF()




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Answer: (b) COUNTIF()

70. The ____function adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria.

a) IF()



d) SUMIF()

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Answer: (d) SUMIF()

71. _____function is used when you want to calculate the monthly payment you need to pay to settle the loan amount.

a) IF()

b) PMT()


d) SUMIF()

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Answer: (b) PMT()

72. The _____ function in Excel returns the order of a numeric value compared to other values in the same list.

a) RANK()

b) PMT()


d) SUMIF()

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Answer: (a) RANK()

73. The ____ function is used to check more than one logical condition at the same time up to 255, conditions supplied as arguments.

a) OR()

b) PMT()


d) SUMIF()

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Answer: (a) OR()