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JavaScript MCQ

Soopro Pathshala provides JavaScript MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions)

1. Which of the following methods can be used to display data in Javascript?

a) confirm()

b) console.log()

c) alert()

d) all of above

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Answer: (d) all of above

2. How can a datatype be declared to be a constant type?

a) cons

b) const

c) c

d) constant

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Answer: (b) const

3. What keyword is used to check whether a given property is valid or not?

a) is

b) in

c) exists

d) default

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Answer: (b) in

4. How many way to link javascript __

a) 2

b) 4

c) 3

d) 1

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Answer: (c) 3

5. can var, const, or let all keyword use in javascript.

a) Yes

b) No

c) only let or const

d) only var or let

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Answer: (a) Yes

6. In javaScript this is sign of [{}]

a) object

b) array

c) object array

d) array object

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Answer: (d) array object

7. How to declare function in javascript.

a) using function keyword

b) using var keyword

c) using new keyword

d) using const keyword

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Answer: (a) using function keyword

8. How many types of loop work in javaScript?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 6

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Answer: (c) 4

9. In which year javaScript lunched?

a) 1954

b) 1994

c) 1995

d) 1987

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Answer: (c) 1995

10. Which one is view engine of google chrome?e

a) V8

b) Spider

c) Spider monkey

d) Chrome

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Answer: (a) V8

11. A javaScript file save with __extension

a) .json

b) .js

c) .script

d) .ts

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Answer: (b) .js

12. Who is developer of JS?

a) Tim Berner Lee

b) Brendan Eich

c) James gosling

d) none of these

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Answer: (b) Brendan Eich

13. How to define multi lines comments in JavaScript?

a) //

b) /* Hello World */

c) %Hello World%

d) #Hello World#

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Answer: (b) /* */

14. In switch case use__?

a) Return

b) Break

c) both a and b

d) none of the above

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Answer: (c) both a and b

15. What is extension of JavaScript?

a) .js

b) .java

c) .javascript

d) none of the above

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Answer: (a) .js

16. in Javascript alert(),cofirm(), and prompt() are message boxes

a) yes

b) no

c) may be

d) cant say

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Answer: (a) yes

17. In javaScript "=== "operator defines what?

a) non inentical

b) it compare value and data type both

c) unequal

d) not equal to

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Answer: (b) it compare value and data type both

18. Among of the following is a language of javascript?

a) text/javascript

b) text/ECMAScript

c) text/VBScript

d) JavaScript/VBScript

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Answer: (a) text/javascript

19. Which of the following is the property that is triggered in response to JS errors?

a) onclick

b) onerror

c) onmessage

d) onexception

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Answer: (b) onerror

20. JavaScript is ____language

a) Application

b) Scripting

c) Programming

d) None of these

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Answer: (b) Scripting

21. Which company developed JavaScript?

a) IBM

b) Bell Labs

c) Netscape

d) Sun Microsystems

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Answer: (c) Netscape

22. JavaScript is __ Side Scripting Language.

a) ISP

b) Server

c) Client

d) None of the above

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Answer: (c) Client

23. Which of the following is not JavaScript Data Types?

a) Undefined

b) Number

c) Boolean

d) Float

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Answer: (d) Float

24. Which of the following code creates an object?

a) var book=Object();

b) var book=new Object();

c) var book=new Book();

d) var book=OBJECT();

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Answer: (b) var book=new Object();

25. JavaScript is designed for the following purpose:

a) To style HTML pages

b) To execute Queries related to databases on a server

c) To add interactivity to html pages

d) all of the above

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Answer: (b) To execute queries related to databases on a server

26. To include external JS code inside an HTML document which attribute is used?

a) src

b) link

c) script

d) href

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Answer: (b) link

27. Which function in js used to convert text to upper case?

a) toLocalUpperCase()

b) toString()

c) substring()

d) toUpperCase()

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Answer: (d) toUpperCase()

28. Which of the following is not considered a JavaScript operator?

a) this

b) new

c) typeof

d) delete

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Answer: (d) delete

29. Comments in JS are ignored by___

a) Browser

b) JVM

c) Operating System

d) Compiler

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Answer: (a) Browser

30. "+=" operator can operate on following data values.

a) all options

b) string

c) integer

d) float

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Answer: (a) all options

31. How many ways to call function in JavaScript?

a) call by value and call by reference

b) call by function

c) call by data value

d) call by compiler

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Answer: (a) call by value and call by reference

32. How many types of data type in javaScript.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

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Answer: (b) 2

33. How many types of function in javaScript.

a) user define

b) user define or pre define

c) pre define

d) none of the above

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Answer: (b) user define or pre define

34. Which is JavaScript reserved keywords?

a) try

b) catch

c) function

d) all of above

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Answer: (d) all of above

35. unary operator work on__?

a) single operand

b) two operands

c) two or more than two operands

d) none of above

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Answer: (a) single operand

36. How many ways to define user defined function?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

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Answer: (d) 4

37. When an operator’s value is NULL, the typeof returned by the unary operator is____

a) Boolean

b) Undefine

c) Object

d) Integer

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Answer: (c) object

38. What is anonymous function in javaScript?

a) A function without any name

b) A special function with name

c) Data type

d) none of above

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Answer: (a) a function without any name

39. getElementsByClassName() Returns____

a) can access html elements by class name

b) given name

c) given id

d) both a and b

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Answer: (a) can access html elements by class name

40. How many types of validation?

a) client side

b) server side

c) both a and b

d) none of above

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Answer: (c) both a and b