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Soopro Pathshala provides HTML MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions)

1. How many sizes of headers are available in HTML by default?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 6

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Answer: (d) 6

2. What is the smallest header in HTML by default?

a) h1

b) h2

c) h3

d) h6

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Answer: (d) h6

3. What are the types of lists available in HTML?

a) ordered, unordered lists

b) bulleted, numbered lists

c) named, unnamed lists

d) none of the above

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Answer: (a) ordered, unordered lists

4. HTML files are saved by default with the extension?

a) .html

b) .h

c) .ht

d) none of the above

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Answer: (a) .html

5. In which part of the HTML metadata is contained?

a) head tag

b) title tag

c) html tag

d) body tag

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Answer: (a) head tag

6. Which element is used to get highlighted text in HTML5?

a) u tag

b) mark tag

c) highlight tag

d) b tag

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Answer: (b) mark tag

7. Which of the following elements in HTML5 defines video or movie content?

a) video tag

b) movie tag

c) audio tag

d) media tag

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Answer: (a) video tag

8. Which of the following is not the element associated with the HTML table layout?

a) alignment

b) color

c) size

d) spanning

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Answer: (b) color

9. How to create an unordered list in HTML?

a) ul tag

b) ol tag

c) li tag

d) i tag

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Answer: (a) ul tag

10. How to create an ordered list in HTML?

a) ul tag

b) ol tag

c) li tag

d) i tag

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Answer: (b) ol tag

11. Which of the following tag is used to define options in a drop-down selection list?

a) select tag

b) list tag

c) dropdown

d) option

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Answer: (d) option tag

12. Which of the following tag is used to add rows in the table?

a) td

b) th

c) tr

d) none of the above

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Answer: (c) tr tag

13. The hr tag in HTML is used for -

a) new line

b) vertical ruler

c) new paragraph

d) horizontal ruler

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Answer: (d) horizontal ruler

14. The body tag is usually used after___

a) HTML tag

b) EM tag

c) TITLE tag

d) HEAD tag

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Answer: (d) HEAD tag

15. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic.

a) i tag

b) italic tag

c) it tag

d) il tag

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Answer: (a) i tag

16. What does the br tag add to your webpage?

a) Long break

b) Paragraph break

c) Line break

d) None of the above

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Answer: (c) Line break

17. The first tag inside table tag is ______

a) head tag

b) caption tag

c) th tag

d) td tag

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Answer: (b) caption tag

18. The symbol used at the beginning of the HREF text is

a) @

b) &

c) $

d) #

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Answer: (d) #

19. What kind of list will ol tag create?

a) Numbered list

b) Bulleted list

c) unordered list

d) none of the above

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Answer: (a) Numbered list

20. HTML tags are recognized by___

a) <

b) <= =>

c) < >

d) none of the above

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Answer: (c) < >

21. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text bold

a) bd tag

b) bold tag

c) bl tag

d) b tag

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Answer: (d) b tag

22. Gif and jpg are the two main types of what?

a) animated effects

b) videos

c) images

d) none of the above

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Answer: (c) images

23. Which tag can set the background color for your page?

a) body tag

b) font tag

c) head tag

d) title tag

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Answer: (a) body tag

24. Which character is used to represent when a tag is closed in HTML?

a) #

b) !

c) /

d) \

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Answer: (c) /

25. Among the following, which is the HTML paragraph tag?

a) p tag

b) pre tag

c) hr tag

d) a tag

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Answer: (a) p tag

26. Which HTML element is sued for short quote?

a) em tag

b) abbr tag

c) q tag

d) blockquote

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Answer: (c) q tag

27. Which tag is used to create a dropdown in HTML Form?

a) input tag

b) select tag

c) text tag

d) textarea tag

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Answer: (b) select tag

28. Full form of td tag?

a) table data

b) table heading

c) table row

d) none of these

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Answer: (a) table data

29. Which tag is used to create a blank line in HTML?

a) b tag

b) br tag

c) em tag

d) a tag

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Answer: (b) br tag

30. Which works similar to b element?

a) blockquote

b) strong

c) em

d) i

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Answer: (b) strong

31. What is the current version of HTML5?

a) HTML 5

b) HTML 1.0

c) HTML 1

d) none of these

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Answer: (a) HTML 5

32. Which tag is used to insert images into your web page?

a) img

b) scr

c) im

d) none of the above

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Answer: (a) img tag

33. Which of the following will not be found in the head section?

a) table tag

b) meta tag

c) title tag

d) none of the above

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Answer: (a) table tag

34. What will be the added by using td tag?

a) rows

b) steps

c) cell

d) columns

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Answer: (d) columns

35. Which format usually works best for photos?


b) GIF

c) JPG

d) all of the above

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Answer: (c) JGP

36. Which tag is used to add columns to tables?

a) td tag

b) tr tag

c) th tag

d) colspan

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Answer: (a) td tag

37. The HTML tgs are all?

a) in lower case

b) in upper case

c) case sensitive

d) not case sensitive

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Answer: (d) not case sensitive

38. Which tag tells where a link starts?

a) a tag

b) i tag

c) body tag

d) none of the above

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Answer: (a) a tag

39. What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break

a) break tag

b) lb tag

c) pre tag

d) br tag

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Answer: (d) br tag

40. Tags and text do not show directly on the page are placed in.

a) head tag

b) body tag

c) title tag

d) none of the above

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Answer: (a) head tag