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C Programming MCQ

Soopro Pathshala provides CProgramming MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions)

1. Who is the father of C language?

a) Steve Jobs

b) James Gosling

c) Dennis Ritchie

d) Rasmus Lerdorf

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Answer: (c) Dennis Ritchie

2. All keywords in C are in ____________

a) LowerCase letters

b) UpperCase letters

c) CamelCase letters

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: (a) LowerCase letters

3. What is an example of iteration in C?

a) for

b) while

c) do-while

d) all of the mentioned

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Answer: (d) all of the mentioned

4. What is the size of the int data type (in bytes) in C?

a) 4

b) 8

c) 2

d) 1

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Answer: (a) 1

5. How to declare a pointer-to-pointer in C?

a) int *val;

b) int **val;

c) int &val;

d) int *&val;

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Answer: (b) int **val;

6. Where scanf() function exist C?

a) stdio.h

b) stdlib.h

c) conio.h

d) none of the above

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Answer: (d) none of the above

7. What is the output of this statement "printf("%d", (a++))"?

a) The value of (a + 1)

b) The current value of a

c) Error message

d) Garbage

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Answer: (b) The current value of a

8. Why is a macro used in place of a function?

a) It reduces execution time.

b) It reduces code size.

c) It increases code size.

d) It increases code size.

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Answer: (b) It reduces code size

9. In the C language, the constant is defined _______

a) Before main

b) After main

c) Anywhere, but starting on a new line.

d) None of the these.

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Answer: (c) Anywhere, but starting on a new line.

10. Directives are translated by the

a) Pre-processor

b) Compiler

c) Linker

d) Editor

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Answer: (a) Pre-processor.

11. Which of the following statement is not true?

a) A pointer to an int and a pointer to a double are of the same size.

b) A pointer must point to a data item on the heap (free store).

c) A pointer can be reassigned to point to another data item.

d) A pointer can point to an array.

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Answer: (b) A pointer must point to a data item on the heap (free store).

12. Which of the following SLT template class is a container adaptor class?

a) Stack

b) List

c) Deque

d) Vector

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Answer: (a) Stack.

13. Array is a _________ data structure.

a) Non-linear

b) Primary

c) Linear

d) Data type

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Answer: (c) Linear

14. In which year was C language developed?

a) 1962

b) 1978

c) 1979

d) 1972

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Answer: (d) 1972

15. C language is a successor to which language?

a) Basic

b) Cobol

c) C++

d) B

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Answer: (d) B

16. C is a ___

a) Low level language

b) High level language

c) Medium level language

d) None of the above

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Answer: (c) Medium level language

17. How many keywords are there in C language?

a) 32

b) 33

c) 64

d) 18

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Answer: (a) 32

18. C language is a ___

a) Procedural oriented programming language

b) General purpose programming language

c) Structured programming

d) All of the above

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Answer: (d) All of the above

19. Which is not a valid keyword in C language?

a) for

b) while

c) do-while

d) switch

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Answer: (c) do-while

20. The C source file is processed by the ___.

a) Interpreter

b) Compiler

c) Both Interpreter and Compiler

d) Assembler

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Answer: (b) compiler

21. How many whitespace characters are allowed in C language?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

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Answer: (d) 5

22. How many punctuation characters are allowed in C language?

a) 29

b) 30

c) 31

d) 32

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Answer: (a) 29

23. Which of the following is an important requirement of c programming?

a) Function

b) Input variables

c) Output variables

d) All of the above

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Answer: (a) Function

24. What are strings in C programming?

a) Individual variables

b) Group of function

c) Group of character type variables in array form

d) All of the above

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Answer: (c) Group of character type variables in array form

25. What does a do-while loop do?

a) Repeats the process infinitely

b) Processes the code at least once and then repeats

c) Repeats only once

d) All of the above

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Answer: (b) Processes the code at least once and then repeats

26. What is a while loop?

a) Repeats the loop if the condition applies true

b) Processes the code at least once and then repeats

c) Repeats only once

d) All of the above

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Answer: (a) Repeats the loop if the condition applies true

27. What of the following is true?

a) Variables are functions

b) Variable is a type of output command

c) Variables are used to store values

d) All of the above

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Answer: (c) Variables are used to store values

28. What are float variables?

a) Integer value

b) unknown value

c) Decimal value

d) All of the above

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Answer: (c) Decimal value

29. What is a function?

a) Looping code

b) Code that operates when called

c) Unknown variable

d) All of the above

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Answer: (b) Code that operates when called

30. To develop which operating, C language was invented?

a) Linux

b) Unix

c) Android

d) Mac

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Answer: (b) Unix

31. Which are the fundamental data types in C?

a) char

b) int

c) float

d) All of the above

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Answer: (d) All of the above

32. How many byte(s) does a char type take in C?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

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Answer: (a) 1

33. For which type, the format specifier "%i" is used?

a) int

b) char

c) float

d) double

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Answer: (a) 1

34. What is the difference between float and double in C?

a) both are used for the same purpose

b) double can store just double value as compare to float value

c) double is an enhanced version of float and was introduced in C99

d) double is more precise than float and can store 64 bits

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Answer: (d) double is more precise than float and can store 64 bits

35. Which is the correct format specifier for double type value in C?

a) %d

b) %f

c) %lf

d) %LF

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Answer: (c) %lf

36. What is the correct syntax to declare a variable in C?

a) data_type variable_name;

b) data_type as variable_name;

c) variable_name data_type;

d) variable_name as data_type;

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Answer: (a) data_type variable_name;

37. How many types of qualifiers are there in C language?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

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Answer: (b) 3

38. Which operator is used to find the remainder of two numbers in C?

a) /

b) \

c) %

d) //

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Answer: (c) %

39. Which of the following is not an arithmetic expression?

a) x=10

b) x/=10

c) x%=10

d) !=10

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Answer: (d) x!=10

40. scanf() is a predefined function in______header file.

a) stdlib.h

b) ctype.h

c) stdio.h

d) stdarg.h

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Answer: (c) stdio.h