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HTML Style

The HTML style attribute is used to add styles to an element, such as color, font, size, and more.

The HTML Style Attribute

Setting the style of an HTML element, can be done with the style attribute.

The HTML style attribute has the following syntax:
<p> style="color:red;">Welcome to Soopro Pathshala</p>

Background Color

The CSS background-color property defines the background color for an HTML element.

<body style="background-color:skyblue;">
<h1>This is heading1<h1>

Text Color

The CSS color property defines the text color for an HTML element:

<h2 style="color:red;"> Welcome to soopro pathshala<h2>


The CSS font-family property defines the font to be used for an HTML element:

<p style="font-family:verdana;">This is my paragraph</h1>

Text Size

The CSS font-size property defines the text size for an HTML element:

<p style="font-size:160%;">This is a paragraph.

Text Alignment

The CSS text-align property defines the horizontal text alignment for an HTML element:

<h1 style="text-align:center;">Centered Heading</h1>

Here are the key points of HTML styling:

1. Inline vs. Internal vs. External CSS

  • Inline CSS: Style applied directly within HTML elements using the style attribute
  • Internal CSS: Defined within the <style> tag in the <head> section of an HTML document
  • External CSS: Linked through an external stylesheet file, often recommended for separating content from design.

2. Selectors

  • Element selectors: Target all elements of a specific type
  • Class selectors: Target elements with a specific class
  • ID selectors: Target a unique element with a specific ID

3. Box Model

  • Content: The actual content inside the box.
  • Padding:Space between the content and the border.
  • Border:A line surrounding the padding (if defined).
  • Margin:Space outside the border.

4. Responsive Design

  • Ensures web pages look good on all devices.
  • Use of media queries to apply styles based on the device’s width, height, orientation, etc

5. CSS Layout Techniques

  • Flexbox: Aligns and distributes elements within a container, even when their sizes are unknown or dynamic.
  • Grid:A powerful tool for creating complex layouts by defining rows and columns.

6. Typography

  • Control over fonts, sizes, and line spacing enhances readability.

7. Color and Backgrounds

  • Use of HEX, RGB, and named colors to style text and backgrounds.

8. Animations and Transitions

  • Use transitions for smooth state changes (hover, focus).
  • Use animations to create complex effects