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HTML Formatting

HTML formatting elements help to style and format the content of a webpage.

Below are the most common HTML formatting elements:

1. Bold Text

  • <b> <strong> Makes text bold.

2. Italic Text

  • <i> or <em> Italicizes text.

3. Underline Text

  • <u> Underlines text.

4. Strikethrough Text

  • <s> or <del> Strikethrough text.

5. Subscript

  • <sub> Define subscripted text.

6. Superscript

  • <sup> Defines superscripted text.

7. Insert (Underlined) text

  • <ins> Defines inserted(underlined) text.

8. Deleted text

  • <del> Define text that has been deleted.

9. Small text

  • <small> Defines smaller text.

10. Code

  • <code> Defines a piece of computer code.

11. Keyboard Input

  • <kbd> Defines keyboard input.

12. Preformatted text

  • <pre> Preserves both spaces and line breaks.

13. Quotation

  • <blockquote> For block level quotations.

14. Mark(Highlight)

  • <mark> Highlights text.

Here are the key points of HTML formatting:

  • Bold:Use <b> or to make text bold.
  • Italic:Use <i> or <em> to italicize text.
  • Underline:Use <u> to underline text.
  • Strikethrough:Use <s> or <del> for strikethrough text.