SOOPRO provides Power Point Shortcut kyes
Switch between outline and thumbnail pane
Move to next placeholder
Insert a new slide
Duplicate the current slide
Increase font size
Decrease font size
Display the font dialog box
Change case
Apply superscript formatting
Apply subscript formatting
Remove mnual character formatting
Center a paragraph
Justify a pragraph
Left Align a paragraph
Right align a paragraph
Promote a paragraph in an outline
Demote a paragraph in an outline
Move selected outline paragraph up
Move selected outline paragraph down
Display outline heading level 1
Expand outline text below a heading
Collapse outline text below a heading
Collapse or show all text or headings
Show or hide the grid
Run a presentation
Activate the pen tool during a show
Erase pen tool drawings during a show
Trun off the pen tool during a show
Change the pen to a pointer during a show
Hide the pointer or pen during a show
Move to the next hyperlink during a show
Move the screen go whiet during a show
Make the screen go white during a show
Stop or restart an automatic show
Return to the first slide during show
Group Items (with items selected)
Move clockwise among panes in normal view
Copy formatting of selected shape
Insert hyperlink
View the slide show from the current slide forward.
Opens save as dialog box
End the slide show
Select to the end of a word
Select to the begining of word
Select all objects
Delete one word to the left
Delete one word to the right
Cut selected object or text
Copy selected object or text
Paste cut or copied text
Open find dialog box