CSS Exercises
SOOPRO Pathshala provides CSS Exercises
Day 1
CSS Day 1
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 1
1. Show red paragraph using inline css?
Day 2
CSS Day 2
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 2
1. Show yellow paragraph using inline css.
Day 3
CSS Day 3
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 3
1. Show soopro pathshala in heading 1 in red color using inline css
Day 4
CSS Day 4
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 4
1. Show your name in paragraph using in blue color using internal css.
Day 5
CSS Day 5
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 5
1. Show your first name in red color, middle name in blue color and last name in green color using internal css.
Day 6
CSS Day 6
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 6
1. show about your self in paragraph having arial font using internal css
Day 7
CSS Day 7
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 7
1. Write short notes on css in paragraph having times new romain font using internal css.
Day 8
CSS Day 8
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 8
1. Show name of your favorite actor in yellow color using external css.
Day 9
CSS Day 9
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 9
1. Show name of your favorite actress in blue color using external css.
Day 10
CSS Day 10
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 10
1. Display your photo having red solid border color using external css.
Day 11
CSS Day 11
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 11
1. Display your photo having blue dotted border using external css.
Day 12
CSS Day 12
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 12
1. Create song album in html, use external css for design.
Day 13
CSS Day 13
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 13
1. Write application in html and css using id selector.
2. Write application in html and css using class selector.
Day 14
CSS Day 14
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 14
1. Create biodata in html and css using internal css.
2. Create biodata in html and css using external css.
Day 15
CSS Day 15
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 15
1. Create resume in html and css using internal css.
2. Create resume in html and css using external css.
Day 16
CSS Day 16
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 16
1. Write about your self in html, using internal css with class selector.
2. Write about your school in html, using internal css with id selector.
Day 17
CSS Day 17
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 17
1. Write about your village in html, using external css with class selector.
2. Write some paragraphs about our nation using inline css.
Day 18
CSS Day 18
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 18
1. Write about your family members in html using internal css.
2. Define paragraphs having your fav game, fruits, foods, cloths, shoes using inline css.
Day 19
CSS Day 19
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 19
1. Create details form in html using css with class and id selector.
2. Create login form in html using css with class and id selector.
Day 20
CSS Day 20
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 20
1. Create a student enquiry form using internal css.
2. Create a student admission form using external css.
Day 21
CSS Day 21
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 21
1. Create a navigation bar (with dropdown) with css.
2. Style the element which is not empty.
Day 22
CSS Day 22
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 22
1. Style the element which is empty.
2. Style the paragraph and h4 elements.
Day 23
CSS Day 23
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 23
1. Style table element using external css.
2. Style div element using external css.
Day 24
CSS Day 24
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 24
1. Write and style few paragraphs on CSS.
2. Introduce, what is css using internal CSS.
Day 25
CSS Day 25
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 25
1. Style HTML ordered list.
2. Style HTML unordered list.
3. Style HTML description list.
4. Style HTML nestest list.
Day 26
CSS Day 26
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 26
1. Background color of DIV should be changed with different color on mouse over.
2. Use CSS Border property on DIV tag.
3. Use CSS Margin property on DIV tag.
4. Use CSS Padding property on DIV tag.
Day 27
CSS Day 27
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 27
1. Use background-image and background-repeat CSS properties.
2. Use background color using rgb() and rgba() functions.
3. Define Box shadow using internal CSS.
4. Use CSS Overflow property on DIV tag.
Day 28
CSS Day 28
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 28
1. Use transform property with translate function.
2. Use skew function of transform property
3. Create Kite using skew() function of transform property.
4. Create traffic light using hover property.
Day 29
CSS Day 29
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 29
1. Create Horizontal Menu having Home, Aboutus, Contactus and Gallery.
Day 30
CSS Day 30
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 30
1. Create a DIV having two equals columns.
2. Create a DIV having two equals rows.
Day 31
CSS Day 31
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 31
1. Create a DIV to style static position.
2. Create a DIV to style relative position.
Day 32
CSS Day 32
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 32
1. Create a DIV to style fixed position.
2. Create a DIV to style absolute and relative position.
Day 33
CSS Day 33
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 33
1. Create a DIV to style sticky position.
2. Create a DIV and paragraph to style sticky position.
Day 34
CSS Day 34
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 34
1. Use display inline property for h2 element.
2. Use display inline block property for h3 element.
Day 35
CSS Day 35
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 35
1. Use display list-item property for i element.
Day 36
CSS Day 36
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 36
1. Use CSS resize vertical property on DIV element.
2. Use CSS resize horizontal property on DIV element.
Day 37
CSS Day 37
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 37
1. Use CSS resize both property on DIV element.
2. Use CSS resize non property on DIV element.
Day 38
CSS Day 38
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 38
1. Create Fresher resume using external CSS.
2. Create Experience resume using external CSS.