Angular Exercises
SOOPRO Pathshala provides Angular Exercises
Day 1
Angular Day 1
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 1
1. Print your fav food in angular.
2. Print your fav color in angular.
3. Print your fav actor in angular
4.Print your fav teacher in angular
5. Print your fav book in angular
6. Print your self in angular
7. Print your sport in angular
8. Print history version of angular
9. Print name of angular developer
10. Print benefits of using augular
Day 2
Angular Day 2
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 2
1. Print what software required to run augular
2. Print the command name to start angualr project
3. Print the command name to create angular new project
4. Pass short notes of typescript from ts file to html file
5. Pass any string value from ts file to html file
6. Print what is angular
7. Print feature of angular
8. Wap to print use of app folder
9. Wap to use of src folder
10. Wap to print command name to stop angular NPM
Day 3
Angular Day 3
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 3
1. Write command to go inside sub folder using npm.
2. Write steps to open project file using CLI
3. Wap to print full form of NPM
4. Wap to print difference b/w typescript and javascript.
5. Create custom component in angular and print messange in paragraph
6. Create custom component to print definition of component in angualar
7. Create custom component and define html table having 5 rows and 5 columns
8. Write difference between typescript and javascript in custom component
9. Write short notes on shift,unshift,pop and push function of array using custom component
10. Wap to perform one way data binding and display image.
Day 4
Angular Day 4
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 4
1. write and print short notes on data binding
2. Print id name gender city and salary from typescript to html file.
3. Wap to print short notes on modules.ts file.
4. Wap to print short notes on assets folder.
5. Print how many types of selector we can use
6. What do you mean by single page application.
7. Write and print benefits of sigle page application.
8. Wap to create menu having Home,About,Contactus,and Gallery connect these menu to corresponding pages
9. Wap to perform two way data binding.
10. Wap to perform event binding.
Day 5
Angular Day 5
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 5
1. Write and print short notes on app-routing.module.ts?
2. Wap to perform dynamic routing having home,student menu in this forms(try to pass and display student id on view template).
3. Create menu driven program using switch case.on choice 1 return area of rectangle,on choice 2 return factorial of any number,on choice 3 print table,on choice 4 return sum of all odd numbers between 5 to 50.
4. Wap to display list of string elements using ngFor directive in angular
5. Wap to display list of integer elements using ngFor directive in angular
6. Wap to display list of float elements using ngFor directive in angular
Day 6
Angular Day 6
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 6
1. Wap to declare integer array inside ts file and print it on html view using ngFor directive.?
2. Wap to reverse any number in angular
3. Print sum of first and last number reverse of any four digits numbers.
4. Wap to print not prime sum of 5 to 50 using while loop.
5. Wap to print nested do while loop and print factorial of 1 to 5
6. Wap to print nested do while loop and print table of 1 to 5
7. Wap to print month name using switch case in angular
8. Wap to print five cities of three different states using angular(use nested loop)
9. Wap to print odd or even of any number using user input in angular.
Day 7
Angular Day 7
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 7
1. Wap to print prime or not prime of any number using user input in angular.
2. Wap to print fibonacci series b/w 1 to 10 in angular.
Day 8
Angular Day 8
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 8
1. Wap to print max and min of three numbers using user input in angular
2. Wap to print squre of max and cube of min among three numbers by using user input in angular.
Day 9
Angular Day 9
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 9
1. Wap to print area of cricle by using user input in angular.
2. Wap to print positive or negative numbers by using user input in angular.
Day 10
Angular Day 10
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 10
1. Wap to print valid for vote if age greater than or equal to 18 else print not valid to vote by using user input in angular.
2. Wap to define list of colors and print ngFor directive in angular.
Day 11
Angular Day 11
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 11
1. Wap to perform arithmetic operation by taking different button like add,sub,mult,div and modulus in angular.
2. Make background color of div using ngClass directive.
Day 12
Angular Day 12
SOOPRO Pathshala Exercises
Day 12
1. Wap to print short notes on directive.
2. Wap to create application that shows page-not found message.