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What is the Internet

Internet is a global network that connects billions of computers across the world with each other and to the world wide web.
It uses standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to connect billions of computer users worldwide.

Vint cerf is father of Internet.

Why is the Internet called a Network?

Internet is called a network as it creates a network by connecting computers and servers across the world using routers, switches and telephone lines and other communication devices and channels.

Internet is different from the world wide web as the world wide web is a network of computers and servers created by connecting them through the internet. so Internet is the backbone of the web.
It uses web browser's to display the information on the client, which it fetches from web servers.

How does Internet work?

The Internet works with the help of clients and servers. A device such as a laptop, which is connected to the Internet is called a client, not a server as it is not directly connected to the Internet.

What is server?

A server is a large computer that stores websites. It also has an IP address. A place where a large no of servers are stored is called a data center.
The server accepts requests send by the client through a browser over a network and responds accordingly.

Uses of Internet

  • Using social media and content sharing
  • Online dating
  • Online gaming
  • Online shopping or e-commerce
  • Online Searching for jobs

Different ways to connect to the internet

  • Dial-up
  • Broadband
  • Wireless connection
  • wi-fi
  • Mobile phones

Internet Connection Protocols

Protocols are a set of guidelines that aid in regulating the operation of any specific organization or technology.
Three main categories of Internet connection protocols are:-

TCP/IP Network Model

The most popular protocols for linking networks are Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (IP).
Any communication is split up into a number of packets that are sent from source to destination.

File Transfer Protocol

With the help of FTP, a user can transfer documents, text files, multimedia files, program files etc, from one device to another.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

It is used to move a hypertext between two or more computers or other devices.

Advantages of the Internet

  • Instant Messaging
  • Online Shopping
  • Pay Bills
  • Online Banking
  • work from home

Disadvantages of the Internet

  • Time wastage
  • Cyber crimes
  • Effects on children
  • Bad impacts on health