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Review Menu

Spell check, grammar, Thesaurus, word count, language, translation, comments, etc. can all be tracked under the review tab.
This acts as an advantage for those who get their documents reviewed on MS Word.

Spelling & Grammar

Let us check your spelling and grammar.


At a lost for words? Let us suggest another way to say what you mean.

Word count

Words, characters, lines. We count them so you dont have to.

Read Aloud

Read text out loud and highlight each word as it's read.

Check Accessibility

More accessibility tools.


Translate content into a different language using the Microsoft translator online service.


Choose the language for proofing tools such as spelling check.

Insert a Comment

Add a note about this part of the document.

Show Comments

Show/Hide the comments along side the document.

Track Changes

Keep track of changes made to this document.

Display for review

Choose how would like to see changes in this document.

Show markup

Choose What types of markup to show in your document.

Reviewing Pane

Show all the changes to your document in a list.

Accept and Move to Next

Click for additional options, such as accepting all the changes at once.

Reject and Move to Next

Click for additional options such as, rejecting all the changes at once.

Previous Change

Jump to the previous tracked change.

Next Change

Jump to the next track change.


Compare two documents to see the differences between them.

Restrict Editing

Limit how much others can edit and format the document.