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References Menu

This tab is the most useful for those who are creating a thesis or writing books or lengthy documents. Options like citation, footnote, table of contents, caption, bibliography, etc. can be found under this tab.

Table of contents

Table of contents provides an overview into your document so your readers can go right to a section of interest.

Add Text

Include the current heading in the table of contents.

Update Table

Refresh the table of contents so all entries refer to the correct page number.

Insert footnote

Add a note at the bottom the page, providing more info about something in your document.

Insert endnote

Add a note like a comment or citation, providing more info about something in your document.

Next footnote

Jump to the next foot note.


Search for definitions, images, web pages and other result from various online sources.

Insert citation

Create a source of information by citing the book, or other material it comes from.

Manage Sources

Organize the sources cited in your document.

Bibliography Style

Choose the citation style for your document, such as APA style, Chicago style or MLA style.


List all your sources in a bibliography or works cited section.

Insert Caption

Add a caption to a picture or other images. Once you have added a caption, you can reference your object anywhere in your document by inserting a cross-reference.

Insert table of figures

Add a list of captions objects and their page numbers for quick reference.

Cross Reference

Refer to specific places in your document, such as headings, figures and tables.

Mark Entry

Add the selected text to the index.

Insert Index

Add an index listing key words and the page numbers they appear on.

Mark citation

Add the selected text to the table of authorities.

Insert table of authorities

Add a list of cases, statutes, and other authorities cited in your document.