This has options like font colour, font size, font style, alignment, bullets, line spacing, etc.
To apply the formatting in multiple places, double click on format painter.
Make your selected text bold.
Italicize your selected text.
Underline the selected text.
Cross something out by drawing a line through it.
Type very small letters just below the line of text.
Type very small letters just above the line of text.
Pick a new font for your text.
Change the size of your text.
Make your text a bit bigger.
Make your text a bit smaller.
Change the selected text to UPPERCASE, lowercase, or other common Captilizations.
Remove all formatting from the selection, leaving only the normal or unformatted text.
Add some flair to your text by applying text effect, such as a shadow or glow.
Make your text pop by highlighting it in a bright color.
Change the color of your text.
Create a bulleted list.
Create a numbered list.
Create a multilevel list to organize items or create an outline.
Move your paragraph closer to the margin.
Move your paragraph farther away from the margin.
Arrange the current selection in alphabetical or numerical order.
Show paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols.
Align your content with the left margin.
Center your content on the page.
Align content with the right margin.
Distribute your text evenly between the margins.
Apply a border around a set of characters or sentence.
Choose how much space appears between lines of text or between paragraphs.
Change the color behind the selected text, paragraph or table cell.
Add or remove borders from your selection.
It is used to eliminate the gap between lines.
Make selected text or line bold in 14 size with Cambria(Headings) font face
Make selected text or line bold in 13 size with Cambria(Headings) font face
Make selected text or line bold in 11 size with Cambria(Headings) font face
Make selected text or line bold and italic in 11 size with Cambria(Headings) font face
Make selected text or line in 11 size with Cambria(Headings) font face
Make selected text or line italic in 11 size with Cambria(Headings) font face
Shade the background of an entire line.
Apply a border around a set of characters or sentence.
Find text or other content in the document.
Search for text you'd like to change and replace with something else.
Select text or objects in your document.
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