JavaScript provides Date object to work with date & time, including days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
Use the Date() function to get the string representation of the current date and time in JavaScript. Use the new keyword in JavaScript to get the Date object.
Example: JavaScript Date
Date(); //Returns current date and time string
var currentDate = new Date(); //returns date object of current date and time
Create a date object by specifying different parameters in the Date() constructor function.
new Date()
new Date(value)
new Date(dateString)
new Date(year, monthIndex)
new Date(year, monthIndex, day)
new Date(year, monthIndex, day, hours)
new Date(year, monthIndex, day, hours, minutes)
new Date(year, monthIndex, day, hours, minutes, seconds)
new Date(year, monthIndex, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
In the following example, a date object is created by passing milliseconds in the Date() constructor function. So date will be calculated based on milliseconds elapsed from 1/1/1970.
Example:create date by specifying miliseconds
var date1 = new Date(0); // Thu Jan 01 1970 05:30:00
var date2 = new Date(1000); // Thu Jan 01 1970 05:30:01
var date3 = new Date(5000); // Thu Jan 01 1970 05:30:05
The following example shows various formats of a date string that can be specified in a Date() constructor.
Example:Create Date by Specifying Date String
var date1 = new Date("3 march 2015");
var date2 = new Date("3 February, 2015");
var date3 = new Date("3rd February, 2015"); // invalid date
var date4 = new Date("2015 3 February");
var date5 = new Date("3 2015 February ");
var date6 = new Date("February 3 2015");
var date7 = new Date("February 2015 3");
var date8 = new Date("2 3 2015");
var date9 = new Date("3 march 2015 20:21:44");
You can use any valid separator in the date string to differentiate date segments.
Example: Create Date using Different Date Separator
var date1 = new Date("February 2015-3");
var date2 = new Date("February-2015-3");
var date3 = new Date("February-2015-3");
var date4 = new Date("February,2015-3");
var date5 = new Date("February,2015,3");
var date6 = new Date("February*2015,3");
var date7 = new Date("February$2015$3");
var date8 = new Date("3-2-2015"); // MM-dd-YYYY
var date9 = new Date("3/2/2015"); // MM-dd-YYYY
Specify seven numeric values to create a date object with the specified year, month and optionally date, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
Example: Date
var date1 = new Date(2021, 2, 3); // Mon Feb 03 2021
var date2 = new Date(2021, 2, 3, 10); // Mon Feb 03 2021 10:00
var date3 = new Date(2021, 2, 3, 10, 30); // Mon Feb 03 2021 10:30
var date4 = new Date(2021, 2, 3, 10, 30, 50); // Mon Feb 03 2021 10:30:50
var date5 = new Date(2021, 2, 3, 10, 30, 50, 800); // Mon Feb 03 2021 10:30:50
JavaScript supports ISO 8601 date format by default -YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
Example: ISO Date Format
date; 'Default format:'
date.toDateString();'Tue Feb 10 2015'
date.toGMTString(); 'GMT format'
date.toISOString(); '2015-02-10T10:12:50.500Z'
date.toLocaleString();'Local date Format '
date.toLocaleTimeString(); 'Locale time format '
date.toString('YYYY-MM-dd'); 'Tue Feb 10 2015 15:42:50'
date.toTimeString(); '15:42:50'
date.toUTCString(); 'UTC format '