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Introduction of React

React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook.

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook.

  • React is a User Interface(UI) library
  • React is a tool for building UI components
  • React was originally created by Jordan Walke
  • Initial release 2013
  • Stable release 2022

Version Release Year
3.0 2013
4.0 2013
5.0 2013
8.0 2013
9.0 2014
10.0 2014
11.0 2014
12.0 2014
13.0 2015
14.1 2015
15.0 2016
15.1 2016
15.2 2016
15.3.0 2016
15.3.1 2016
15.4.0 2016
15.4.1 2016
15.4.2 2017
15.5.0 2017
15.5.4 2017
15.6.0 2017
16.0.0 2017
16.1.0 2017
16.3.0 2018
16.3.1 2018
16.4 2018
16.5 2018
16.6 2018
16.7 2018
16.8 2019
16.8.6 2019

What is JSX?

JSX stands for JavaScript XML.

JSX is an XML/HTML like extension to JavaScript.

React DOM Render

The method ReactDom.render() is used to render (display) HTML elements:

JSX Expressions

Expressions can be used in JSX by wrapping them in curly {} braces.

React Elements

React applications are usually built around a single HTML element.
React developers often call this the root node (root element):

React Components

React components are JavaScript functions.