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Python Interview Questions And Answers

SOOPRO Pathshala provides Python Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is Python?

Python was created and first released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum

2. Why Python?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Python is a programming language that may be used to create desktop GUI apps, websites, and online applications.

3. What are the key features of Python?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages used by data scientists and AIML professionals. This popularity is due to the following key features of Python:

  • Python is easy to learn due to its clear syntax and readability
  • Python is easy to interpret, making debugging easy
  • Python is free and Open-source
  • It can be used across different languages
  • It is an object-oriented language that supports concepts of classes
  • It can be easily integrated with other languages like C++, Java, and more

4. What is namespace in Python?

In Python, a namespace is a system that assigns a unique name to each and every object

5. What is PYTHON PATH?

PYTHONPATH is an environment variable that allows the user to add additional folders to the sys.path directory list for Python. In a nutshell, it is an environment variable that is set before the start of the Python interpreter.

6. What are the disadvantages of using CSS?

Following are the disadvantages of using CSS

  • Ascending by selectors is not possible
  • Limitations of vertical control
  • No expressions
  • No column declaration
  • Rules, styles, targeting specific text not possible

7. What are Pandas?

Pandas is an open-source python library that has a very rich set of data structures for data-based operations. Pandas with their cool features fit in every role of data operation, whether it be academics or solving complex business problems. Pandas can deal with a large variety of files and are one of the most important tools to have a grip on.

8. What is PEP 8??

The Python Enhancement Proposal, also known as PEP 8, is a document that provides instructions on how to write Python code. In essence, it is a set of guidelines for formatting Python code for maximum readability. Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, and Nick Coghlan wrote it in 2001.

9. What is zip() capability in Python?

The zip() function in Python returns a zip object that maps an identical index across multiple containers. It takes an iterable, transforms it into an iterator, and then uses the passed iterables to combine the elements. It returns a tuple iterator.

10. What are iterators in Python?

Iterating a collection of elements, similar to a list, in Python is accomplished with iterators. Iterators can be lists, tuples, or dictionaries-the collection of items. To iterate over the stored elements, Python iterator uses the __itr__ and next() methods. In Python, we for the most part use circles to emphasize over the assortments (list, tuple).

11. What is a dictionary in Python?

A built-in data type is the Python dictionary. A one-to-one relationship between keys and values is established by this. A pair of keys and their values are contained in dictionaries. It stores components in key and worth matches. Values can be duplicated, whereas keys are unique. The dictionary elements are accessed by the key.

12. How is Memory managed in Python?

Python has a private heap space that stores all the objects. The Python memory manager regulates various aspects of this heap, such as sharing, caching, segmentation, and allocation. The user has no control over the heap; only the Python interpreter has access.

13. How Would You Generate Random Numbers in Python?

To generate random numbers in Python, you must first import the random module.

14. What Does the ‘is’ Operator Do?

The ‘is’ operator compares the id of the two objects.

15. What Is the Purpose of the Pass Statement?

The pass statement is used when there's a syntactic but not an operational requirement.

16. How Will You Check If All the Characters in a String Are Alphanumeric?

Python has an inbuilt method isalnum() which returns true if all characters in the string are alphanumeric.

17. How Would You Replace All Occurrences of a Substring with a New String?

The replace() function can be used with strings for replacing a substring with a given string.

18. What Is the Difference Between a List and a Tuple?

Lists are mutable while tuples are immutable.

19. How Do You Use the Split() Function in Python?

The split() function splits a string into a number of strings based on a specific delimiter.

20. What Is a Numpy Array?

A numpy array is a grid of values, all of the same type, and is indexed by a tuple of non-negative integers. The number of dimensions determines the rank of the array. The shape of an array is a tuple of integers giving the size of the array along each dimension.

21. What Is the Difference Between Matrices and Arrays?

A matrix comes from linear algebra and is a two-dimensional representation of data.
An array is a sequence of objects of similar data type.

22. What type of language is Python?

Although Python can be used to write scripts, it is primarily used as a general-purpose programming language.

23. Explain how Python is an interpreted language.?

Any programming language that is not in machine-level code before runtime is called an interpreted language. Python is thus an interpreted language.

24. What are decorators in Python?

Decorators are used for changing the appearance of a function without changing its structure. Decorators are typically defined prior to the function they are enhancing.

25. How to use decorators in Python?

Decorators are typically defined prior to the function they are enhancing. To use a decorator, we must first specify its function. Then we write the function to which it is applied, simply placing the decorator function above the function to which it must be applied.

26. Differentiate between .pyc and .py.

The .py files are the source code files for Python. The bytecode of the python files are stored in .pyc files, which are created when code is imported from another source. The interpreter saves time by converting the source .py files to .pyc files.

27. What is slicing in Python?.

Slicing is a technique for gaining access to specific bits of sequences such as strings, tuples, and lists.

28. Explain global variables and local variables in Python.

Local Variables:
A local variable is any variable declared within a function. This variable exists only in local space, not in global space.

Global Variables:
Global variables are variables declared outside of a function or in a global space. Any function in the program can access these variables.

29. Is Python case sensitive?

Yes, Python is case sensitive.

30. On Unix, how do you make a Python script executable?

Script file should start with #!/usr/bin/env python

31. What is the use of self in Python?

Self is used to represent the class instance. In Python, you can access the class's attributes and methods with this keyword.

32. What are the literals in Python?

For primitive data types, a literal in Python source code indicates a fixed value.

33. What is _init_?

_init_ is a constructor or method in Python. This method is used to allocate memory when a new object is created.

34. What is the Lambda function?

A lambda function is a type of anonymous function. This function can take as many parameters as you want, but just one statement.

35. What are Python iterators?

Iterators are things that can be iterated through or traversed.

36. What are unpickling and pickling?

The Pickle module takes any Python object and converts it to a string representation, which it then dumps into a file using the dump method. This is known as pickling.
Unpickling is the process of recovering original Python objects from a stored text representation.

37. What are generators in Python?

Functions which return an iterable set of items are known as generators.

38. How to delete a file in Python?

Use command os.remove(file_name) to delete a file in Python.

39. What method will you use to convert a string to all lowercase?

The lower() function can be used to convert a string to lowercase.

40. What is a dictionary in Python?

Dictionary is one of Python's built-in datatypes. It establishes a one-to-one correspondence between keys and values. Dictionary keys and values are stored in pairs in dictionaries. Keys are used to index dictionaries.

41. In Python, how do you utilize ternary operators?

The Ternary operator is the operator for displaying conditional statements. This is made of true or false values and a statement that must be evaluated.

42. What is the best way to add values to a Python array?

The append(), extend(), and insert (i,x) procedures can be used to add elements to an array.

43. What is the best way to remove values from a Python array?

The pop() and remove() methods can be used to remove elements from an array. The difference between these two functions is that one returns the removed value while the other does not.

44. What are Python libraries?

A Python library is a group of Python packages. Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and many other Python libraries are widely used.

45. Why split is used?

In Python, the split() function is used to split a string.

46. How are classes created in Python?

The class keyword in Python is used to construct a class.

47. What is pandas dataframe?

A dataframe is a 2D changeable and tabular structure for representing data with rows and columns labelled.

48. Explain monkey patching in Python.

Monkey patches are solely used in Python to run-time dynamic updates to a class or module.

49. How Python module is imported?

The import keyword can be used to import modules.

49. What is inheritance in Python?

Inheritance allows for code reuse, making it easier to develop and maintain applications.

50. What are the different types of inheritance in Python?


51. Is multiple inheritance possible in Python?

A class can be inherited from multiple parent classes, which is known as multiple inheritance. In contrast to Java, Python allows multiple inheritance.

52. Explain polymorphism in Python.

The ability to take various forms is known as polymorphism.

53. What is encapsulation in Python?

Encapsulation refers to the joining of code and data. Encapsulation is demonstrated through a Python class.

54. In Python, how do you abstract data?

Only the necessary details are provided, while the implementation is hidden from view. Interfaces and abstract classes can be used to do this in Python.

55. How to create an empty class in Python?

A class that has no code defined within its block is called an empty class. The pass keyword can be used to generate it. You can, however, create objects of this class outside of the class. When used in Python, the PASS command has no effect.

56. What does an object() do?

It produces a featureless object that serves as the foundation for all classes. It also does not accept any parameters.

57. What is GIL?

The term GIL stands for Global Interpreter Lock. This is a mutex that helps thread synchronization by preventing deadlocks by limiting access to Python objects. GIL assists with multitasking (and not parallel computing).

58. What is PIP?

PIP denotes Python Installer Package. It is used to install various Python modules. It's a command-line utility that creates a unified interface for installing various Python modules

59. What is the use of sessions in the Django framework?

Django has a session feature that allows you to store and retrieve data for each site visitor. Django isolates the process of sending and receiving cookies by keeping all necessary data on the server-side and inserting a session ID cookie on the client-side.

60. What is an operator in Python?

An operator is a symbol that is applied to a set of values to produce a result. An operator manipulates operands.

61. What are the various types of operators in Python?

Bitwise operators
Identity operators
Membership operators
Logical operators
Assignment operators
Relational operators
Arithmetic operators

62. How to write a Unicode string in Python?

The old Unicode type has been replaced with the "str" type in Python 3, and the string is now considered Unicode by default. Using the art.title.encode("utf-8") function, we can create a Unicode string.

63. How to send an email in Python language?

Python includes the smtplib and email libraries for sending emails. Import these modules into the newly generated mail script and send mail to users who have been authenticated.

64. Is there an inherent do-while loop in Python?


65. What kind of joins are offered by Pandas?

There are four joins in Pandas: left, inner, right, and outer.

66. How are dataframes in Pandas merged?

The type and fields of the dataframes being merged determine how they are merged. If the data has identical fields, it is combined along axis 0, otherwise, it is merged along axis 1.

67. What is the best way to get the first five entries of a data frame?

We may get the top five entries of a data frame using the head(5) method. df.head() returns the top 5 rows by default. df.head(n) will be used to fetch the top n rows.

68. How can you access the data frame's latest five entries?

We may get the top five entries of a dataframe using the tail(5) method. df.tail() returns the top 5 rows by default. df.tail(n) will be used to fetch the last n rows.

69. Explain classifier.

Any data point's class is predicted using a classifier. Classifiers are hypotheses that are used to assign labels to data items based on their classification.

70. What is the difference between del and remove() on lists?

del removes all elements of a list within a given range.
remove() removes the first occurrence of a particular character

71. Differentiate between append() and extend()

append() adds an element to the end of the list
extend() adds elements from an iterable to the end of the list.

72. How do you use Print() without the newline?

To use print() without adding a newline at the end in Python, you can set the end parameter to an empty string (""). By default, print() adds a newline after printing, but using the end argument modifies this behavior.

73. Python an interpreted language. Explain.

An interpreted language is any programming language which is not in machine-level code before runtime. Therefore, Python is an interpreted language.

74. What are local variables and global variables in Python?

Global Variables:
Variables declared outside a function or in global space are called global variables. These variables can be accessed by any function in the program.

Local Variables:
Any variable declared inside a function is known as a local variable. This variable is present in the local space and not in the global space.

75. What is self in Python?

Self is an instance or an object of a class. In Python, this is explicitly included as the first parameter.

76. What is pickling and unpickling?

Pickle module accepts any Python object and converts it into a string representation and dumps it into a file by using dump function, this process is called pickling. While the process of retrieving original Python objects from the stored string representation is called unpickling.

77. What are the generators in python?

Functions that return an iterable set of items are called generators.

78. How will you capitalize the first letter of string?

In Python, the capitalize() method capitalizes the first letter of a string. If the string already consists of a capital letter at the beginning, then, it returns the original string.

79. How can the ternary operators be used in python??

The Ternary operator is the operator that is used to show the conditional statements. This consists of the true or false values with a statement that has to be evaluated for it.

80. What are Python packages?

Python packages are namespaces containing multiple modules.

81. How can files be deleted in Python?

To delete a file in Python, you need to import the OS Module. After that, you need to use the os.remove() function.

82. Does Python have OOPS concepts?

Python is an object-oriented programming language. This means that any program can be solved in python by creating an object model. However, Python can be treated as a procedural as well as structural language.

83. What are Python libraries? Name a few of them.

Python libraries are a collection of Python packages. Some of the majorly used python libraries are – Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn and many more.

84. What is split used for?

The split() method is used to separate a given String in Python.

85. How are classes created in Python?

Class in Python is created using the class keyword.

86. What is monkey patching in Python?

In Python, the term monkey patch only refers to dynamic modifications of a class or module at run-time.

87. Does python support multiple inheritance?

Multiple inheritance means that a class can be derived from more than one parent classes. Python does support multiple inheritance, unlike Java.

88. What is Polymorphism in Python?

Polymorphism means the ability to take multiple forms. So, for instance, if the parent class has a method named ABC then the child class also can have a method with the same name ABC having its own parameters and variables. Python allows polymorphism.

89. Define encapsulation in Python?

Encapsulation means binding the code and the data together. A Python class in an example of encapsulation.

90. How do you do data abstraction in Python?

Data Abstraction is providing only the required details and hiding the implementation from the world. It can be achieved in Python by using interfaces and abstract classes.

91. Does python make use of access specifiers?

Python does not deprive access to an instance variable or function. Python lays down the concept of prefixing the name of the variable, function or method with a single or double underscore to imitate the behavior of protected and private access specifiers.

92. How to create an empty class in Python?

An empty class is a class that does not have any code defined within its block. It can be created using the pass keyword. However, you can create objects of this class outside the class itself. IN PYTHON THE PASS command does nothing when its executed. it’s a null statement.

93. What does an object() do?

It returns a featureless object that is a base for all classes. Also, it does not take any parameters.

94. What is reindexing in Pandas?

You can modify a DataFrame’s row and column index using reindexing in Pandas. Indexes can be used with reference to many index DataStructure associated with several pandas series or pandas DataFrame.

95. How to remove whitespaces from a string in Python?

To eliminate the whitespaces and following spaces from the string, Python provides strip([str]) worked in capability. After removing any whitespaces that may be present, this function returns a copy of the string. If not, returns the original string.

96. Give an example of shuffle() method?

The given string or array is shuffled using this technique. The items in the array become random as a result. The random module includes this method. Therefore, we must import it before calling the function. It rearranges components each time when the capability calls and creates different result.

97. What is an operator in Python?

An operator is a specific symbol that is applied to some values and results in an output. Operands are the work of an operator. Operands are literals or variables with numbers that have some values. Administrators can be unary, double, or ternary.

98. How to create a Unicode string in Python?

In Python 3, the old Unicode type has been replaced by "str" type, and the string is treated as Unicode of course. Using the art.title.encode("utf-8") function, we can create a Unicode string.

99. What is the usage of enumerate () function in Python?

The enumerate() function is used to iterate through the sequence and retrieve the index position and its corresponding value at the same time.

100. What is lambda function in Python?

A lambda function is a small function that is defined anonymously by the keyword 'lambda'. It can have any number of arguments and it can only have one expression. Lambda functions are frequently used instead of the full 'def' statement when a function definition is very simple and not complicated enough.