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Bootstarp Interview Questions And Answers

SOOPRO Pathshala provides Bootstrap Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a platform for web development based on a front-end framework.
It is used to create exceptional responsive designs using HTML and CSS.

2. Explain why Bootstrap is preferred for website development?

Bootstrap has better features as compared to other web development platforms.

3. What are the key components of Bootstrap?

The key components of Bootstrap include:

  • CSS: It consists of various CSS files
  • Scaffolding: It provides a basic structure with the Grid system, link styles, and background.
  • Layout Components: This gives the list of layout components
  • JavaScript Plugins: It contains many jQuery and JavaScript
  • Customize: To get your own version of the framework, you can customize your components.

4. List some featuers of Bootstrap

Some of the featurs of Bootstrap are:

  • It provides an open-source for use.
  • Bootstrap has compatability with all browsers.
  • It has Responsive designs
  • Easy to use and fast

5. How do you make images responsive?

Bootstrap allows to make the images responsive by adding a class .img-responsive to the 'img' tag.

6. What do you know about the layout types of Bootstrap?

There are 2 layouts available in Bootstrap.
Fluid-Layout(.container fluid layout)- can measure units of block content and images
Fixed-Layout(.container layout)- facilitate fixed-width responsive container.

7. What is Bootstrap grid system?

The Bootstrap grid system is a powerful and flexible layout system that allows developers to create responsive layouts of different sizes and shapes using a set of rows, containers, and columns.

8. What do you know about Bootstrap container?

Bootstrap containers play a crucial role in creating responsive layouts.

9. What is Bootstrap navbar?

The Bootstrap navbar is a powerful and flexible component that allows developers to create responsive and customizable navigation bars for websites and web applications.

10. Bootstrap supports 3 lists, what are they?

3 lists support by Bootstrap are as follows:

  • Active items: Active can be used to depict current selection
  • Disabled items:Disabled to make the list appear as disabled.
  • Flush:Can eliminate borders and rounded corners.
  • Easy to use and fast