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ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions And Answers

SOOPRO Pathshala provides ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions and Answers

1. Explain what is Model-View-Controller?

MVC is a software architecture pattern for developing web application. It is handled by three objects Model-View-Controller.

2. Mention what does Model-View-Controller represent in an MVC application?

In an MVC model
Model- It represents the application data domain. In other words applications business logic is contained within the model and is responsible for maintaining data

View- It represents the user interface, with which the end users communicates. In short all the user interface logic is contained within the VIEW

Controller- It is the controller that answers to user actions. Based on the user actions, the respective controller responds within the model and choose a view to render that display the user interface. The user input logic is contained with-in the controller

3. Explain in which assembly is the MVC framework is defined?

The MVC framework is defined in System.Web.Mvc

4. Different types of data dictionary in mvc.

  • ViewBag
  • ViewData
  • TempData
  • Session

5.Mention what is the difference between adding routes, to a webform application and an MVC application?

To add routes to a webform application, we can use MapPageRoute() method of the RouteCollection class, where adding routes to an MVC application, you can use MapRoute() method.

6. Mention what are the two ways to add constraints to a route?

The two methods to add constraints to a route is

  • Use regular expressions
  • Use an object that implements IRouteConstraint Interface

7. Mention what is the advantages of MVC?

MVC segregates your project into a different segment, and it becomes easy for developers to work on
It is easy to edit or change some part of your project that makes project less development and maintenance cost
MVC makes your project more systematic

8. Mention what "beforFilter()","beforeRender" and "afterFilter" functions do in Controller?

beforeFilter(): This function is run before every action in the controller. It's the right place to check for an active session or inspect user permissions.

beforeRender(): This function is called after controller action logic, but before the view is rendered. This function is not often used, but may be required If you are calling render() manually before the end of a given action.

afterFilter(): This function is called after every controller action, and after rendering is done. It is the last controller method to run

9. Explain the role of components Presentation, Abstraction and Control in MVC?

Presentation: It is the visual representation of a specific abstraction within the application

Abstraction: It is the business domain functionality within the application

Control: It is a component that keeps consistency between the abstraction within the system and their presentation to the user in addition to communicating with other controls within the system

10. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of MVC model?


  • It represents clear separation between business logic and presentation logic
  • Each MVC object has different responsibilities
  • The development progresses in parallel
  • Easy to manage and maintain
  • All classes and object are independent of each other


  • The model pattern is little complex
  • Inefficiency of data access in view
  • With modern user interface, it is difficult to use MVC
  • You need multiple programmers for parallel development
  • Multiple technologies knowledge is required

11. Explain the role of "ActionFilters" in MVC?

In MVC " ActionFilters" help you to execute logic while MVC action is executed or its executing.

12. Explain what are the steps for the execution of an MVC project?

The steps for the execution of an MVC project includes

  • Receive first request for the application
  • Performs routing
  • Creates MVC request handler
  • Create Controller
  • Execute Controller
  • Invoke action
  • Execute Result

13. Explain what is routing? What are the three segments for routing is important?

Routing helps you to decide a URL structure and map the URL with the Controller.

The three segments that are important for routing is
• ControllerName
• ActionMethodName
• Parameter

14. Explain how routing is done in MVC pattern?

There is a group of routes called the RouteCollection, which consists of registered routes in the application. The RegisterRoutes method records the routes in this collection. A route defines a URL pattern and a handler to use if the request matches the pattern. The first parameter to the MapRoute method is the name of the route. The second parameter will be the pattern to which the URL matches. The third parameter might be the default values for the placeholders if they are not determined.

15. Explain using hyperlink how you can navigate from one view to other view?

By using "ActionLink" method as shown in the below code. The below code will make a simple URL which help to navigate to the "Home" controller and invoke the "GotoHome" action.
@Html.ActionLink("Home", "Gotohome")

16. Mention how can maintain session in MVC?

Session can be maintained in MVC by three ways tempdata, viewdata, and viewbag.

17. Mention what is the difference between Temp data, View, and View Bag?

Temp data: It helps to maintain data when you shift from one controller to other controller.
View data: It helps to maintain data when you move from controller to view
View Bag: It's a dynamic wrapper around view data

18. What is partial view in MVC?

Partial view in MVC renders a portion of view content. It is helpful in reducing code duplication. In simple terms, partial view allows to render a view within the parent view.

19. Explain how you can implement Ajax in MVC?

In MVC, Ajax can be implemented in two ways
• Ajax libraries
• Jquery

20.Mention what is the difference between "ActionResult" and "ViewResult" ?

ActionResult is an abstract class.
ViewResult is derived from AbstractResult class.

21. Explain how you can send the result back in JSON format in MVC?

In order to send the result back in JSON format in MVC, you can use "JSONRESULT" class.

22. Explain what is the difference between View and Partial View?


  • It contains the layout page
  • Before any view is rendered, viewstart page is rendered
  • View might have markup tags like body, html, head, title, meta etc
  • View is not lightweight as compare to Partial View

Partial View

  • It does not contain the layout page
  • Partial view does not verify for a viewstart.cshtml. We cannot put common code for a partial view within the viewStart.cshtml.page
  • Partial view is designed specially to render within the view and just because of that it does not consist any mark up
  • We can pass a regular view to the RenderPartial method

23. List out the types of result in MVC?

In MVC, there are twelve types of results in MVC where "ActionResult" class is the main class while the 11 are their sub-types

  • ViewResult
  • PartialViewResult
  • EmptyResult
  • RedirectResult
  • RedirectToRouteResult
  • JsonResult
  • JavaScriptResult
  • ContentResult
  • FileContentResult
  • FileStreamResult
  • FilePathResult

24. What is the order of the filters that get executed, if multiple filters are implemented?

The filter order would be like:

  • Authorization filters
  • Action filters
  • Response filters
  • Exception filters

25. What are the file extensions for razor views?

For razor views, the file extensions are

  • .cshtml: If C# is the programming language
  • .vbhtml: If VB is the programming language

26. How may Ajax be used in MVC?

There are two techniques to integrate Ajax with MVC.

  • JQuery
  • Ajax libraries

27. What is scaffolding?

Scaffolding is a code generation framework mostly used for ASP.NET web applications.

28. What is Razor in ASP.NET MVC?

Razor is the new view-engine introduced by MVC3, which acts as pluggable modules and applies different template syntax options.

29. What is the default route in MVC?

A default route adds a generic route that utilizes the URL convention to break the URL for a given request in three segments.

29. What is the difference between GET and POST action types?

The GET action type requests data from particular resources, while the POST action type submits data that needs to be processed to a specific resource.

29. How do we implement validation in the MVC?

We can implement validation in the MVC application with well-defined validators in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace.

30. What are NonAction methods in MVC?

In MVC all public methods have been treated as Actions. So if you are creating a method and if you do not want to use it as an action method then the method has to be decorated with NonAction attribute

31. What is Separation of Concerns in ASP.NET MVC?

It’s is the process of breaking the program into various distinct features which overlaps in functionality as little as possible. MVC pattern concerns on separating the content from presentation and data-processing from content.

32. What is a cookie ?

Cookies are small text files information which is stored in the end users computer.

33. What does Keep do in tempdata ?

Keep method persist the data for the next request.

34. Explain Peek in tempdata ?

Peek = Keep + Read. It will read as well as keep the data.

35. Is tempdata private to a user ?

Yes , Tempdata is private to a user.

35. What is WebAPI ?

Web API controller delivers data and services easily by using HTTP REST services.

36. Explain some of the rules of Razor syntax

Here are some of the rules of Razor syntax:

  • Razor code blocks are enclosed in @{ }
  • Arranged expressions (variables and functions) start with @
  • Code statements end with a semicolon
  • Variables are declared with the var keyword
  • Strings are enclosed with quotation marks
  • C# code is case sensitive

37. What are the main differences between ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET Web Forms is a framework that follows a different pattern known as Web Forms, while ASP.NET MVC follows the MVC pattern. In Web Forms, the UI controls and code-behind files are tightly coupled, whereas in MVC, the UI is separate from the controller logic. MVC provides more control over the HTML output, supports clean URLs, and promotes testability through its separation of concerns.