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Excel Interface

The interface of Excel include the Quick Access Toolbar, Ribbon, Name Box, Formula Quick Menu, Formula Bar, Status Bar, Worksheet, worksheet etc...


The intersection point of a row and column is referred to as a cell. Excel contains several cells in a worksheet. Each cell is identified by a unique address.


A Row is a horizontal space in a table used to record data. Excel contains 148576 rows in a worksheet. Each row has a unique no starting from 1.


A column is a vertical space in a table used to record data. Excel contains 16384 columns in a worksheet. Each column has a unique address represented by a letter, starting from letter A.


An Excel worksheet refers to the area of rows and columns, which jointly from a table. We can add desired charts, shapes and other supported objects to the worksheet. It is also referred to as a spreadsheet or sheet.


An Excel workbook refers to the main file that includes worksheet's and related objects.

Cell reference

This is the set of coordinates where a cell is located. Rows are horizontal and numbered whereas columns are vertical and assigned a letter.

Active Cell

This is currently selected cell, outlined by a green box.

Worksheet Tab

These are the tabs at the bottmo left of the spreadsheet.

Column and Row headings

These are the numbered and lettered cells located just outside of the columns and rows. Selecting a header highlights the entire row or column.


Formulas are mathematical equations, cell references or functions that can be placed inside a cell to produce a value.
Formulas must start with an equal (=) sign.

Formula bar

This is the long input bar that is used to enter values or formulas in cells. It is located at the top of the worksheet.

Address bar

The bar located to the left of the formula bar shows the number and letter coordinates of an active cell.


These are rules user can employ to select what rows in a worksheet to display. This option is located on the top right of the home bar under "Sort & Filter".


The feature enables users to copy data to more than one cell automatically.


This feature enables users to add multiple values. Users can select the cells they want to add and press the Alt and Equal Keys.

Pivot Table

This data summarization tool sorts and calculates data automatically. This is located under the insert tab on the far left.

Source Data

This is the information that is used to create Pivot Table.