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CSS Navigation

Having easy-to-use navigation is important for any web site.

With CSS you can transform boring HTML menus into good-looking navigation bars.

Navigation Bar = List of Links

A navigation bar needs standard HTML as a base.

In our examples we will build the navigation bar from a standard HTML list.

A navigation bar is basically a list of links, so using the <ul> and <li> elements makes perfect sense:

<li><a href="index.html">Home</a>>/li>
<li><a href="news.html">News</a></li>
<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>
<li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>

The CSS navigation bar

1. Structure with HTML

  • Use a container element like <nav> or a <div> to hold the navigation links.
  • Use an unordered list <ul> and list items <li> for each navigation link to ensure a semantic structure.
  • Anchor tags <a> inside the list items are used for the actual navigation links.

2. Layout and Display Properties

  • Horizontal vs. Vertical: Use display: inline; for horizontal lists and display: block; for vertical lists.
  • Flexbox or Grid: Use display: flex; or display: grid; to align and distribute items efficiently.
  • Positioning: Consider using position: fixed; or position: sticky; to make the navbar stay at the top of the page when scrolling.

3. Styling Links

  • Text Decoration: Use text-decoration: none; to remove the underline from links.
  • Padding and Margin: Add space around links to improve clickability and visual separation.
  • Hover Effects: Use :hover pseudo-class to change the appearance of links when hovered over.
  • Active State: Style the currently active link differently using the :active or custom class to indicate the active page.

4. Background and Color

  • Background Color: Apply a background color to the navbar using background-color.
  • Text Color: Ensure good contrast between the text color and the background color for readability.
  • Hover and Active Colors: Use different colors for hover and active states to improve user feedback.

5. Dropdown Menus

  • Use nested <ul> elements for dropdowns.
  • Style dropdown menus to appear on hover using the :hover pseudo-class.
  • Use position: absolute; to make dropdowns appear below their parent items.

6. Responsive Design

  • Use media queries to adjust the layout on smaller screens.
  • Hamburger Menu: Implement a collapsible or hamburger menu for mobile navigation.
  • Hide or Stack: Stack navigation links vertically or hide them under a menu icon when the screen size reduces.

7. Accessibility

  • Use ARIA attributes for better screen reader support (e.g., aria-label, aria-expanded).
  • Ensure keyboard navigation is possible, especially for dropdown menus.
  • Provide clear focus states for better accessibility.

8. Customizations and Enhancements

  • Icons: Use icons (e.g., from FontAwesome) to represent links visually.
  • Animation: Add subtle animations or transitions for hover and dropdown effects.
  • Shadow and Border Effects: Use box-shadow or borders for a more appealing design.